
Armoured catfish Sundaland noodlefish crappie powen, squawfish crocodile icefish sleeper shark.


523 Sylvan Ave, 5th Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041USA
+1 234 719 8948
+1 987 654 3210

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Business and Strategic Planning

We offer innovative thinking and new approaches to futureproof your business for the long term.

SERVICEBusiness and Strategic Planning

Whatever your business challenges ranging from sub-standard financial performance, sluggish revenue growth, competitiveness issues, market positioning or quality standards, our experts can help you overcome them by offering the most suitable solution to address your business objectives.


CP Advisory offers innovative thinking and new approaches in order to structure your business in a way that enables you to operate with more efficacy and, most importantly, to futureproof your business for the long term. Our team can help you build a new business plan which defines, in detail, your Company’s objectives and put together a plan to achieve those objectives.

More specifically, we can help you:

  • Explore new ideas to ensure that your business has the capacity to grow sustainably;
  • Diversify your strategies;
  • Re-position your business on the market and draw up competitive strategies and approaches;
  • Invest in digital transformation and capacity building;
  • Upgrade your plant and equipment, including technology development, to improve productivity and output;
  • Foster process and system innovation;
  • Target international markets.

Our business consulting team can also provide cutting-edge professional services in the following areas:

  • Simplification and support in solving complex problems;
  • Performance management and KPI (metrics) setting;
  • People and organisational restructuring;
  • Implementation of governance and controls;
  • Aligning information technology and data to business requirements;
  • Financial management effectiveness, financial planning and controls;
  • Customer experience optimisation;
  • Marketing/branding strategies and initiatives;
  • Advice on fund-raising for expansion plans, project financing & financial restructuring;
  • Identifying and implementing opportunities to merge with or acquire other businesses;
  • Programme management and portfolio management;
  • Corporate re-branding & strategic marketing;
  • Organisational development;
  • General Strategic advice;
  • Risk Management;
  • Strategic compliance services, regulatory development and implementation.