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523 Sylvan Ave, 5th Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041USA
+1 234 719 8948
+1 987 654 3210

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Financial Management

We provide practical and tailored advice to help you understand, secure and manage financing solutions which work for your business and help you and your business achieve your goals.

SERVICEFinancial Management

Building and maintaining a robust finance function within any type of organisation is always a major challenge. Moreover, it is crucial that sound financial planning, KPI reporting and good financial management are embedded in the corporate culture of your company to ensure that financial performance is properly measured and controlled.


When you partner with us, we’ll find efficient strategies backed by best-in-class knowledge, expertise, and software systems to create a leaner, more cost-effective business that yields better financial results. Our goal is to ensure that your financial performance is strategically enhanced, properly measured, managed, and controlled.

CP Advisory will help you with your financial planning and management needs by:

  • Planning for the future: Through our experience, we can provide accurate rolling forecasts based on reliable historical and other relevant data.
  • Utilising data-driven insights: We provide the tools to help you remain on top of your financial performance. Our financial KPI dashboards help you understand better your cost and revenue drivers and provide easy-to-understand information to drive the success of your business.

Our services include:

  • Pricing and revenue management;
  • Cost optimisation programmes;
  • Revenue integrity solutions;
  • Financial and management reporting (KPI dashboards);
  • Financial planning, budgeting, and rolling forecasts;
  • Cash flow management and liquidity financing;
  • Reform of finance departments and systems development.